Sunday, August 12, 2012

Attention Parents:

    Thank you for visiting and taking interest in furthering your child's education. Our PTA has a lot of exciting fundraisers coming up and I am encouraging all parent's to get involved. Our future fundraisers will help aid in furthering your child's education in the classroom. By doing so we will be able to provide more computers and technology in the classrooms. Parents, with out you this could not be possible. 

    • Technology is a ubiquitous part of children's lives
    • Educational Technology opens doors
    • visualizing and decision making 
    • cross-cultrual understanding 
    • students take responsibility for their learning outcomes
    • prepares students for the work force. 
    • Smart boards - Interactive white boards: This allows for students to be involved in every classroom decision that involves a smart boards. Students can form ideas on the iPad/tablet and share them with the rest of the classroom using the smart board.

    YIKES!!! Technology is a scary word and foreign to a lot of parents who did not grow up with technology in the classroom. Let me take a moment to assure you technology is the future in furthering your child's education. Our school has a strict set of privacy guidelines that we must abide by and a copy of those guidelines go home to each parent. Many parents think computers are used for gaming but see a list of examples below of how computers can be used in classrooms today:

    Parent these are some examples of how important technology is in our classrooms and with future fundraisers we can make this happen but we need your support. 

    Two types of technology that would be beneficial for our classrooms:
    Times change and technology is leading us into the future. Don't think of technology as "goofing" around, think of it as a way to further our children's education. Think about the interaction between your child and technology. How to they communicate? How to they learn? We use to hand write papers, then we use to type them up and print them out, and now we submit them online via email or website. Technology can be fun but it can also be educational. Please post comments and questions that I can answer. Let me know if a class would be helpful to help better understand how these devices would work in the classroom. 

    *Please note, this is an assignment for a college class and not a real blog*

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